SNL breaks Trump, Clinton characters mid-sketch to encourage voting
Alec Baldwin, Kate McKinnon tell audience 'none of this will have mattered' if people don't cast ballot

It was the last time Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon got to poke fun at Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton live before the Nov. 8 election and the actors took the opportunity to push Americans to vote.
In Saturday Night Live's opening sketch, the two, who have entertained audiences for weeks with their renditions of the presidential candidates, did something unexpected: they made peace.
"I just feel gross all the time," Baldwin told the audience, dropping his Republican Trump persona. "Don't you guys feel gross all the time about this?"
The two headed outside the building holding hands for a hokey but nevertheless cute montage of each candidate embracing their detractors.
Before the actors broke character, the sketch itself took aim at both candidates, though the show has not hidden which side it favours.
Interviewer Erin Burnett, played by Cecily Strong, prodded Clinton about the ongoing email scandal and Baldwin/Trump responded that he doesn't use email at all.
"Instead I use a very private, very secure site, where one can write whatever they want to and no one will read it. It's called Twitter."
The interviewer continued to harp on Clinton's emails despite Baldwin/Trump giving goodbye kisses to an FBI agent, a Vladmir Putin look-alike and a man dressed as a Ku Klux Klan member. The KKK's official newspaper endorsed Trump for president earlier this week.

"What is happening?" McKinnon/Clinton asks when the interviewer continually ignores Trump and keeps returning to the emails. "Is the whole world insane?"
SNL is planning an election special Monday night, which will be a mix of previous political skewerings that aired over the course of the 2016 campaign.
"None of this will have mattered if you don't vote," said Baldwin, who joined the cast to play Trump at the beginning of the season last month, in his own voice near the end of the sketch.