SNL: Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer, Rosie O'Donnell as Steve Bannon?
O'Donnell has publicly feuded with Trump for years

While White House press secretary Sean Spicer thought Melissa McCarthy's portrayal of him on last weekend's Saturday Night Live was "cute," what will Steve Bannon think if Rosie O'Donnell steps up to the plate?
On the heels of hit comedic actor McCarthy's caustic, much-watched lampooning of Spicer on SNL Saturday, O'Donnell says she's also available to play Bannon, U.S. President Donald Trump's controversial adviser.

Responding to online suggestions she play Bannon, O'Donnell — who has publicly feuded with Trump for years — said she was available.
available - if called i will serve !!! <a href=""></a>
Bannon was portrayed as the Grim Reaper on Saturday's episode.
SNL has received a major boost in recent months, in large part due to the show's skewering of Trump, portrayed with relish by Alec Baldwin on the longrunning sketch show.
McCarthy was fully invested in her impersonation of a pugnacious Spicer, which stole the show Saturday.
As a combative, gum-chugging White House press secretary, she blasted reporters as "losers," fired a water gun at one member of the press corps and used the lectern to ram another.
Spicer received an onslaught of text messages after the sketch aired, he told Extra while attending Sunday's Super Bowl.
He called McCarthy's impersonation "cute" and "funny," but also had pointers for her.
He suggested she could "could dial back" and "needs to slow down on the gum chewing; way too many pieces in there."