Tina Fey returns to Weekend Update to talk Charlottesville
'Nazis are always bad. I don't care what you say'

Tiny Fey has returned to Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live to discuss the violence surrounding a white nationalist rally near her alma mater's campus in Charlottesville.
Sporting a University of Virginia sweatshirt Thursday on Weekend Update: Summer Edition, Fey said it broke her heart to see "these evil forces" descend on Charlottesville.
She also criticized U.S. President Donald Trump for blaming "both sides" for the violence. "Nazis are always bad. I don't care what you say."
She noted that another white nationalist rally is planned for Saturday in New York and joked that she hopes neo-Nazis in the city "get the ham salad kicked out of them by a bunch of drag queens."
The segment by Fey, who co-hosted the Weekend Update segment from 2000 to 2006, is however drawing a mixed response online.
Tina Fey with the sanest response to <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Charlottesville?src=hash">#Charlottesville</a> of all <a href="https://t.co/y8vqH6ySo3">https://t.co/y8vqH6ySo3</a> via <a href="https://twitter.com/crooksandliars">@crooksandliars</a>
I think the idea is that Tina Fey was making a point that by being complacent and not doing anything is the modern "let them eat cake"
Love Tina Fey, but I'm REALLY not feeling her "Ignore racism and stress-eat instead" take. It strikes me as willfully naive and privileged.
I know she means well, but this is the worst possible take Tina Fey could have offered. Not only unhelpful, but harmful to their targets. <a href="https://t.co/GPyp4wtUmB">https://t.co/GPyp4wtUmB</a>
Regardless of Tina Fey's intent, her irony and messaging fell short. All people heard were cake jokes and "don't give them anyone to fight". <a href="https://t.co/8qGOlolpFy">pic.twitter.com/8qGOlolpFy</a>