Alberta acted like the pandemic was over. Now it's a cautionary tale for Canada
Saskatchewan faces similar surge in hospitals, while Manitoba is at risk from low vaccination rates
This is an excerpt from Second Opinion, a weekly roundup of health and medical science news emailed to subscribers every Saturday morning. If you haven't subscribed yet, you can do that by clicking here.
The COVID-19 situation in Alberta has gone from bad to worse — providing a cautionary tale for the rest of Canada on how a string of bad policy decisions, low vaccination rates and a failure to act quickly are a recipe for disaster.
Unlike Ontario, which has triple the population but is faring much better in the fourth wave after keeping many public health restrictions in place, Alberta resisted vaccine passports, lifted mask mandates and even planned to abandon test, trace and isolate protocols before backtracking as cases rose.
To put it bluntly, Premier Jason Kenney's "best summer ever" was a failure.
"The end of this terrible time is just two weeks away," Kenney infamously said on June 18. "We finally have the upper hand on this virus and can safely open up our province."
Fast forward to today and Alberta has the highest rate of infections in the country, at close to four times the national average, and Albertans are dying of COVID-19 at close to three times the rate of anywhere else in Canada — rivalled only by Saskatchewan.
While there's no redo button on Alberta's delta-fueled fourth wave, there are lessons — especially for other Prairie provinces that experts fear may not be far behind.
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Alberta's 'grave misstep' led to devastating 4th wave
Dr. Ilan Schwartz, a physician and assistant professor of infectious diseases at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, said the Alberta government "completely abdicated its responsibility" to ensure the health and wellbeing of citizens in the fourth wave.
"Alberta was reckless in dropping all restrictions and declaring the pandemic over. Jason Kenney infamously declared that we were in the post-pandemic era, that COVID was no longer a risk and basically threw caution to the wind — that was a grave misstep," he said.
"But what made things much, much worse is the inability to respond to the data that demonstrated a rising number of cases."
Kenney finally accepted medical aid from the federal government and Newfoundland and Labrador Thursday, after rejecting calls for stricter measures days prior, and the Canadian Armed Forces and the Red Cross are sending medical staff to ease the burden on hospitals.
"Our healthcare system has completely collapsed," said Schwartz. "It's not just that we're on the verge of collapse, I think that's misleading at this point — we've completely collapsed."
Schwartz says Alberta hospitals are currently unable to offer life-saving surgery or safe emergency care to those that desperately need it and some are consistently running at more than 100 per cent ICU capacity, making for a "completely dysfunctional healthcare system."
"People might think that they're vaccinated, and so they don't need to worry about this. But the fact is that if we can't provide safe ICU care, period, then everybody is at risk," he said.
"Every time people get on a tractor, or get in a car, and go on the highway — there's always been risk associated with that — but now there's no safety net."
Kenney announced Alberta's first government-imposed vaccine mandate Thursday, ordering all public servants be vaccinated by Nov. 30. But there is an option for regular testing instead, and the province stopped short of instituting further public health restrictions.
Schwartz says the next few weeks could be some of the hardest Alberta has faced in the pandemic — as cases, hospitalizations and deaths continue to rise while the healthcare system buckles under the pressure of an unrelenting surge in COVID-19 patients.
"As a health-care worker it's completely demoralizing and we feel like we're just completely left to our own devices," he said. "We're just completely abandoned."