Lavaniya Rajah
Intern Reporter
Lavaniya Rajah is an intern reporter at the Science and Technology and Health unit at CBC News.
Latest from Lavaniya Rajah

Cutlery you can eat: One company's approach to the plastic pollution problem
Plastic cutlery is a major contributor to the growing plastic waste crisis. An estimated 40 billion plastic utensils are used and thrown away each year in the United States alone. But an Indian cutlery company has a possible solution — spoons and forks you can eat.
Science |
What you should know about toxic blue-green algae blooms
Ecologists are warning people in Fredericton that a blue-green algae bloom may be behind the sudden deaths of three dogs who died after swimming in the St. John River. Here's what you need to know about the pesky microbe and its troubling consequences.
Science |

Quiet fireworks? Why some celebrations won't go on with a bang
Quiet fireworks and drone light shows are gaining popularity as alternatives to traditional loud and explosive fireworks at summer celebrations. Here's why.
Science |

Bring on the tats: Patients don't mind if health-care providers sport body art
A recent study found patients do not mind if their doctors sport tattoos or piercings.
Health |