Mike Stobbe
Mike Stobbe is a national medical correspondent for The Associated Press and is based in New York City. He covers the CDC and writes on a range of health and medical topics.
Latest from Mike Stobbe

Flu season intense in U.S., on the rise in Canada, reports say
The U.S. winter virus season is in full force, and by one measure is the most intense in 15 years.
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New York reports 1st U.S. polio case in close to a decade
New York health officials on Thursday reported a polio case, the first in the U.S. in nearly a decade.
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The CDC is expanding its definition of 'close contact' when it comes to COVID-19. Here's why
U.S. health officials redefined what counts as close contact with someone who has COVID-19 to include briefer but repeated encounters. The change was triggered by a study of a correctional officer who caught the coronavirus after multiple brief encounters with prisoners who later tested positive.
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More evidence emerges that coronavirus infections can spread by people with no clear symptoms
A study by researchers in Singapore became the latest to estimate that somewhere around 10 per cent of new infections may be sparked by people who carry the virus but have not yet suffered its flu-like symptoms.
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Teen drug overdose deaths in U.S. creep up after years of decline
After years of decline, teen deaths from drug overdoses have inched up, a new U.S. government report shows.
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More people with Alzheimer's dying at home in U.S., CDC finds
One in 4 Alzheimer's deaths in the United States are now occurring at home — a startling increase that marks a shift away from hospitals and nursing homes.
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Falls take a rising toll on elderly brains
Elderly people are suffering concussions and other brain injuries from falls at striking rates, U.S. researchers find.
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