Ebola outbreak: worrying signals in Sierra Leone
After hopeful signs of a decline in the number of new Ebola cases, Sierra Leone remains an area of concern.
99 new confirmed cases of Ebola reported in the week to Feb. 22 in West Africa
After hopeful signs of a decline in the number of new Ebola cases, Sierra Leone remains an area of concern.
Wednesday's weekly statistics released by the World Health Organization show transmission rates in the West African country are widespread, with eight districts reporting new cases since January.

Investigators are unable to establish how the disease is being transmitted.
Misinformation and rumours still plague the efforts of relief workers as there are still people who are unable or unwilling to seek treatment. Unsafe burials remain a priority.
In total, 99 new confirmed cases of Ebola were reported in the week to Feb. 22 in Guinea (35), Sierra Leone (63) and Liberia (1).