Arthur Schafer
Arthur Schafer is the founding director of the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics at the University of Manitoba.
Latest from Arthur Schafer

Lots of opposition but 'a striking absence of good arguments' against vaccine passports, says ethicist
The current situation in Canada around proof of vaccination is "a chaotic hodgepodge," writes bioethicist Arthur Schafer. But he says the federal government can still "pick up the ball it dropped and create an effective, secure and safe vaccine passport for provinces to adopt."
Canada -Manitoba |

Doctors, chiropractors and a secret agreement: Manitoba lawsuit suggests a troubling code of silence
The Manitoba Chiropractors Association has launched a lawsuit against the Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons, alleging the college violated a secret agreement the two groups signed in 2003. The lawsuit raises troubling ethical questions, says the University of Manitoba's Arthur Schafer.
Canada -Manitoba |

First Nations children not well served by chemotherapy ruling: Arthur Schafer
Some see Friday's court ruling as a landmark decision for aboriginal children’s welfare rights. But according to medical ethicist Arthur Schafer, it’s a victory that was won at a high cost.
Indigenous |

Point of View
Physician-assisted suicide: the case for legalization
In Canada, if you are a competent adult, then you have the legal as well as the moral right to insist that life-support be withheld or withdrawn, even if this will result in your immediate death.
Canada -Manitoba |