Caroline Nepton
Since 2007, Caroline Nepton Hotte has hosted Boréal hebdo, a French-language program about the North, airing on CBC North radio. She also worked on the award-winning 8th Fire television series as a field producer. She is a member of the community of Mashteuiatsh, near Lac Saint-Jean, Que.
Latest from Caroline Nepton

Eruoma Awashish takes T-shirt art on Quebec powwow trail
Eruoma Awashish creates T-shirts that emphasize identity and give a sense of belonging to Indigenous Peoples, and offers up her original designs on the powwow trail.
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Indigenous men dealing with violence want more resources in Quebec
Martin Hervieux, an Innu man from Pessamit, Quebec, wishes resources would have had existed for his father decades ago when his violent behaviour dominated their family life.
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Northern Quebec Cree start 850 km trek to protest against uranium mining
This weekend a group of Crees will walk from Mistissini to Montreal to hand deliver a message to the Quebec's environmental protection agency's commission on the uranium industry in Quebec.
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Cree leader Billy Diamond gets his due in new film
Billy Diamond. Even his name sparkles with interest and potential. That may be why acclaimed film producer Benoit Pilon (The Necessities of Life, 2008) has set his sights on Diamond as the main character in a new movie. Tentatively called Chief, the film would be in Cree, English and French.
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To vote or not to vote? Aboriginal people in Quebec to decide
Perhaps the least excited electors are the aboriginal people of the North, even though this election could ultimately have enormous impact on them and their communities.
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Inuit throat singing granted special designation in Quebec
Throat singing in a traditional way of making playful guttural sound, practised by Inuit women. Yesterday Quebec recognized throat singing as its first example of intangible cultural heritage.
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Aboriginal homeless in Montreal get new help
New services are on the way to help with a growing number of homeless Aboriginal people in Montreal, city officials say. Inuit and First Nation people represent almost one-third of the homeless in the city, where they often gather at Metro stations.
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Putting a face on aboriginal homelessness in Montreal
Montreal is in the midst of a homelessness crisis among aboriginal people. The fastest growing population are Inuit from Nunavik, which comprises the northern third of the province of Quebec.
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