Julian Brave NoiseCat
Julian Brave NoiseCat (Secwepemc/St’at’imc) is a former recipient of the CBC’s Indigenous Fellowship and High Country News’ Diverse Western Voices Award. He is a graduate of Columbia University and received a Clarendon Scholarship to study global and imperial history at the University of Oxford.
Latest from Julian Brave NoiseCat

'Keep out that black snake:' Sioux Nation members reaffirm fight against Keystone XL
Sioux leaders gathered in South Dakota Monday to re-sign the Protect the Sacred Treaty in the wake of the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Indigenous |

Racism and hate in Charlottesville are homegrown: Julian Brave NoiseCat
Through the exasperated exchange and days of hesitation, an uncomfortable and unspoken truth lingered in the air, tacitly acknowledged by the president himself: racism and bigotry are not foreign to the halls of American power—in fact, in 2017, the most powerful man in the world still has white nationalists' backs.
Indigenous |
'Like a reawakening': Tribal Canoe Journey concludes with hope for future
Julian Brave NoiseCat, a recipient of the 2017 CJF-CBC Indigenous Journalism Fellowships, files his final dispatch from the annual Tribal Canoe Journey, as canoes arrive in the traditional territory of the Wei Wai Kum Nation in Campbell River, B.C.
Indigenous |
Tribal Canoe Journey: Understanding the 'cannibal dance'
Julian Brave NoiseCat, a recipient of the 2017 CJF-CBC Indigenous Journalism Fellowships, files his fourth dispatch from the annual Tribal Canoe Journey as crews paddle in the Salish Sea in B.C.
Indigenous |
'We're at the mercy of the water': Battling the waves on the tribal canoe trip
Julian Brave NoiseCat, a recipient of the 2017 CJF-CBC Indigenous Journalism Fellowships, files his third dispatch from the annual Tribal Canoe Journey as crews paddle in the Salish Sea in B.C.
Indigenous |
'The border is not our border': Tribal canoe trip to B.C. navigates tradition and history
Julian Brave NoiseCat, a recipient of the 2017 CJF-CBC Indigenous Journalism Fellowships, files his second dispatch from the annual Tribal Canoe Journey paddling trip, as delegations arrive in Esquimalt Harbour in British Columbia.
Indigenous |
Tribal Canoe Journey: Tribes depart Washington on epic voyage
Julian Brave NoiseCat, one of two recipients of the 2017 CJF-CBC Indigenous Journalism Fellowships, reports from the annual Tribal Canoe Journey paddling trip to Campbell River, B.C.
Indigenous |