Niigaan Sinclair
Niigaan Sinclair is an associate professor and graduate program director in the department of Native studies at the University of Manitoba. He is one of the editors of The Winter We Danced: Voices from the Past, the Future, and the Idle No More Movement. He's a regular commentator on CBC and international media outlets like the Guardian.
Latest from Niigaan Sinclair

What reconciliation feels like to people 'locked in the bathroom' for a century
Writer Niigaan Sinclair compares reconciliation to asking to share the house you owned with its invaders after being locked in the bathroom for a century.
Indigenous |

Assembly of First Nations election: 5 issues to watch
It may well be that the AFN has outlived its usefulness as the national representative of First Nations. Or, this election of a new national chief could be the start of a fresh relationship between First Nations and the federal government.
Indigenous |

Idle No More: Where is the movement 2 years later?
Idle No More was the largest Canada-wide social action movement since the civil rights movement of the 1960s. It’s two years later. Where is Idle No More now?
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