Environmental manifesto unveiled by Naomi Klein, backed by celebrities
'Leap Manifesto' calls on government to honour indigenous rights, move toward a 'clean economy'

Author Naomi Klein announced the release of an environmental manifesto today, backed by celebrities, activists, artists and religious leaders.
The Leap Manifesto: A Call for a Canada Based on Caring for the Earth and One Another calls on government to honour indigenous rights and move toward a clean economy fuelled by renewable energy.
According to the manifesto, this can be achieved in around three decades by moving away from industries like mining and oil extraction and instead focusing on environmentally-friendly technology.
"This is a document that was written collectively," Klein said, flanked by national indigenous Anglican bishop Mark MacDonald and environmentalist and broadcaster David Suzuki. Actor Tantoo Cardinal, author Joseph Boyden and newly crowned Mrs.Universe Ashley Callingbull were also at the press conference.

The manifesto also calls for universal child-care and a "universal basic annual income" as well as an end to trade deals, which are blamed for hurting local economies.
The manifesto has been translated into eight languages, including Cree and Inuktitut.
Klein says the manifesto is addressed to Canadians and the current government, while not supporting any one political party — though she hopes a new government will use the manifesto as a guide.

It also has the support of authors, politicians and indigenous leaders like Haida carver Guujaaw.