Former Indian day school students can submit their settlement claims starting next week
Claims process for compensation will run from Jan. 13, 2020 until July 13, 2022

Thousands of students who suffered harms while attending federally operated Indian day schools will be able to submit claims for compensation starting next week.
The nationwide settlement, which includes more than 120,000 former Indian day school students, was approved by the Federal Court in August. Survivors will be able to submit claims for compensation beginning Jan. 13.
The claims process was to begin 120 days after the court approval but was delayed due to court challenges that have since been dismissed.
Indian day schools operated separately from residential schools, so day school students were left out of the 2006 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement that recognized the damage inflicted by residential schools and established a $1.9 billion compensation fund.
Day schools were operated by many of the same groups that ran residential schools, however.
The Indian day schools settlement offers former students a range of compensation between $10,000 and $200,000, based on abuse suffered while attending the schools. A $200 million legacy fund will also be established for wellness and healing initiatives.
A statement from the class counsel for the Federal Indian Day School Class Action said more information will be made available by the end of the week on how former students can access and submit the court-approved claim form. The court-approved claim form is not yet available online.
Former students will have until the deadline of July 13, 2022 to file a claim.