Jim Prentice, Alberta's new PC leader, 'welcome ally' on pipeline projects: Moore
James Moore hopes his 'close friend' Prentice will help move Northern Gateway and Keystone projects forward

Federal Industry Minister James Moore says he expects soon-to-be Alberta premier Jim Prentice will be a welcome ally when it comes to future pipeline projects.
Prentice spent years in Stephen Harper's government in cabinet posts that included Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Environment and Industry.
After leaving politics in 2010, Prentice was hired by Enbridge to try to bring First Nations onside with the company's proposed Northern Gateway project through northern British Columbia.
Moore says he considers Prentice a close friend and the federal government would welcome any help he can provide in moving projects such as Northern Gateway and Keystone forward.
He says federal-provincial relations were fine under former Alberta premier Alison Redford, but will probably be even better with Prentice in charge.
Prentice was elected by party members last weekend as Alberta's new Progressive Conservative leader, who will become premier.
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