MMIWG music video filmed in Eskasoni First Nation
Myles Goodwyn of April Wine collaborated with the Mi'kmaw community to raise awareness

Eskasoni First Nation members will be featured in the latest music video for Myles Goodwyn of the Canadian hard rock band April Wine.
April Wine formed in Halifax and was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame in 2010.
Goodwyn said he wanted a way to amplify Indigenous voices around the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls issue. The song, Darling Where Are You, centres around the pain of missing a loved one.
For the project, he collaborated with Kalolin Johnson to sing and translate lyrics into Mi'kmaw.

"It was brilliant and it was so much fun," said Goodwyn, 73, who is based in Halifax.
"I don't know the Mi'kmaw language ... but it was a very special experience working with Kalo Johnson."
Johnson said it was a joy to work with Goodwyn. Now 22, she has been singing since she was nine and is fluent in the Mi'kmaw language. She said singing is part of her identity and is honoured each time she sings in her language.
When she was approached to collaborate on this project and heard it dealt with raising awareness about violence against Indigenous women, she knew she wanted to be a part of it.
"The start for awareness and change it begins with in us so we can help the health and safety of our nations," said Johnson.
She said she thinks the video is special because it features her community.

The music video was filmed over two days in Sydney, N.S., and Eskasoni First Nation.
Eskasoni is nestled between mountains and Bras d'Or Lake, and the video was filmed on Goat Island on the edge of the reserve. Community members were adorned in regalia and traditional items to take part in the music video.
Johnson said that's all special for her community.
"You get to see a piece of yourself in those videos," said Johnson.
Goodwyn said his experience in Eskasoni was beautiful and the people were kind.
The four and a half minute song will be released as part of Goodwyn's next album Long Pants, which drops June 23. The music video is set to come out June 21 on YouTube during National Indigenous Peoples Day.