Dave Seglins Robert Cribb and Chelsea Gomez
Dave Seglins and Chelsea Gomez are journalists with the CBC News Investigative Unit in Toronto. They partnered with Robert Cribb, investigative journalist at the Toronto Star, to examine the growing digital challenges in police investigations and proposals to change laws affecting the privacy of Canadians. dave.seglins@cbc.ca and chelsea.gomez@cbc.ca
Latest from Dave Seglins Robert Cribb and Chelsea Gomez

CBC Investigates
Taxpayers would have to foot bill for new high-tech police powers, wireless industry says
Canada’s top telecommunications industry group says any government move to force its members to install equipment to intercept digital traffic and store data to aid police investigations would have to be covered by taxpayers.
Investigates |

CBC Investigates
Should police be able to force you to hand over your digital passwords?
A proposal to allow Canadian police to compel suspects to hand over cellphone passwords and computer encryption codes has sparked an outcry from civil liberties advocates — and caused division among police leaders.
Investigates |

CBC Investigates
Canadians want judicial oversight of any new digital snooping powers for police: Poll
Most Canadians feel strongly about their right to privacy online, but a new poll shows the vast majority are willing to grant police new powers to track suspects in the digital realm — so long as the courts oversee the cops.
Investigates |

CBC Investigates
RCMP boss Bob Paulson says force needs warrantless access to ISP user data
In Part 2 of the series Police, Power and Privacy, RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson sits down for an exclusive interview to discuss privacy and what he sees as the need for new police powers to track suspects.
Investigates |

CBC Investigates
Inside 10 cases where the RCMP hit a digital wall
The RCMP shared details of 10 "high-priority" investigations with CBC News and the Toronto Star to begin a public debate on expanding police capabilities while investigating crimes involving digital and online evidence.
Investigates |