New iOS 8 apps launched for CBC News, Radio

CBC News and CBC Radio launched new apps for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Wednesday to coincide with Apple’s release of its new mobile operating system, iOS 8.
Upgrade to iOS8 and then download the new apps for free by clicking here.
The CBC News app has been completely redesigned with new features, including localization that surfaces more local news for users that want it, a customizable home screen, improved navigation and “Handoff,” which allows users to get the latest news on one device and continue on another.
“As CBC moves forward with our mobile first strategy, and as Canadians are increasingly consuming their content on mobile devices, we want to lead the market with our new apps,” said Jennifer McGuire, general manager and editor in chief, CBC News and Centres. “The new apps are focused on getting local news and information into the hands of Canadians, and ensuring a better user experience that reflects their interests, tastes, and lifestyles.”
CBC Radio’s new iOS 8 app includes curated audio stories, localized live listening, and audio from more than 80 shows, as well as Radio One, 2, 3 and Sonica live streams.
iOS 8 is available for iPhones from the 4s onward, the fifth generation of the iPod touch, the iPad2, the iPad with retina display, the iPad Air, the iPad mini and the mini with retina display.
"This is probably the biggest change to the operating system since the introduction of the App Store," Neil Bearse, director of marketing at the Queen's School of Business in Kingston, Ont., told CBC News. Read more about the launch of iOS 8 here.
CBC’s current iOS apps for News and Radio will continue to serve people who haven't downloaded the new operating system or have an older device and cannot upgrade to iOS8.
In August, CBC News released its redesigned Android app and more updates to that platform are planned in the near future.
More than half of CBC News’s daily digital audience is on a mobile device. In June, CBC President and CEO Hubert T. Lacroix announced the broadcaster would shift its priorities from television and radio to digital and mobile services as part of its 2020 strategy.