Amira Elghawaby
Amira Elghawaby is a freelance journalist and a human rights advocate with the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM). She is based in the nation’s capital. Follow her on Twitter at:
Latest from Amira Elghawaby

Anti-Islamophobia motion offers a chance to take a stand against hatred. Why quibble over semantics?
Creating political hay over the wording of this motion trivializes the marginalization and hate experienced on a regular basis by Canadian Muslims.
Opinion |

Denying Islamophobia won't make it go away
We've come a long way when it comes to acknowledging that bigotry exists, but the challenge facing us now is finding ways to address systemic inequities and to eradicate attitudes that seek to diminish the full participation of all, including Muslims, writes Amira Elghawaby.
Canada -Manitoba |