Emmett Macfarlane
Emmett Macfarlane is an associate professor of political science at the University of Waterloo. His research focuses on the impact of the constitution and the courts on Canadian public policy.
Latest from Emmett Macfarlane

The Senate may become an increasingly important site for Indigenous activism
The Senate has the capacity to ensure at least some degree of consultation on legislation when and where the government has fallen short
Opinion |

The Supreme Court is being unjustifiably secretive about its internal deliberations
Getting a peek inside the court is not simply a matter of academic interest: the public would see that judicial decision-making at this level is sometimes the product of very human compromise, negotiation and horse-trading.
Opinion |

Laurier's apology to Lindsay Shepherd was hardly a win for free speech
Much of the backlash toward the university was not, in fact, about defending freedom of expression. Rather, many of the academics who spoke out were appalled at how the administration reacted.
Opinion |

Quebec law banning face coverings is neither neutral nor constitutional
To meet the Charter's requirements, the benefit of a law needs to outweigh the harms imposed, and here religious freedoms will be violated for entirely illusory benefits.
Opinion |