Nasima Fancy
Nasima Fancy is a university student from Toronto. She can often be found writing articles about anything and everything, ranging from politics and history to comedy and entertainment.
Latest from Nasima Fancy

Pakoras in the park: My family's chaotic summer tradition — and why you should absolutely adopt it
A box of pakora mix and a bit of patience make for great moments and memories.
Life -Food |

Every high school student should have to take a philosophy course
Education is how we help our society progress and tackle the issues of polarization and misinformation. Having students take a philosophy course in high school is a vital first step, writes high school student Nasima Fancy.
Opinion |

The case for showing family recipes a lot more respect
As it turns out, a loose recipe makes a great cake, because it likely takes everything important into account.
Life -Food |

Finally exhaling as my father gets his COVID-19 vaccine
As I gradually near what feels like the end of a dark tunnel, I wanted to share my sense of hope.
Life -Culture |

If we're going to tackle systemic racism, we need to rethink how we teach history
Grade 10 history class barely touched on BIPOC issues and perspectives, writes Toronto high school student Nasima Fancy.
Opinion |