Tony Keene
Tony Keene was a reservist in the Canadian Armed Forces for 40 years and completed multiple overseas tours of duty. He has worked as a journalist in newspapers and broadcasting.
Latest from Tony Keene

Why Canada should ban the sale, ownership of handguns
There is no conceivable reason why an ordinary person needs a handgun, writes Tony Keene.
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Hazing thrives in organizations obsessed with conformity. The military is the acme of this
Psychologists have many theories about why sadistic power rituals still exist in our supposedly civilized society. But the fact is they almost always involve men, in all- or mostly-male organizations, whose members believe that they are superior due to an embroidered badge on their blazer.
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Instead of 'lest we forget' this Remembrance Day, veterans should go with 'we're not gonna take it'
We have recently learned that the previous government, which ended the lifetime provision of care in favour of lump sum payments, also shortchanged us out of millions of dollars in disability allowances, and it will be 2020 before the present government can fix it.
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The Canadian Armed Forces should drop its citizenship requirement
My father was hailed by a Canadian Air Force recruiter on the streets of London. That's how my family got here. If the world needs more Canada, Canada needs more Canadians. This is a good way to get them.
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Relaxing universality of service rule risks creating a system of two-tiered military service
If the Forces are going to make exceptions to the rule to allow wounded soldiers to continue to serve in desk jobs, then it will have to be carefully monitored in order to prevent the type of gaming which occurred prior to 2006.
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Vimy was a triumphant battle, but it was hardly the 'birth of a nation'
To call 1917 the birth of Canada is also to ignore the triumphs and history of the nation that preceded it: the deep Indigenous roots, the success of Confederation in 1867, the settling of the west and so forth, all of which could just as credibly be called the beginning of Canada as we know it.
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The myth of one-party support for the Canadian Armed Forces
There's an idea, widely accepted by many in the military, by veterans and by the civilian public that the Conservatives are the party of the CAF, and the Liberals are not. It's a myth.
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