Revenge of the comment section: Don't count out Kellie Leitch
Readers make the case for the Conservative leadership hopeful

Conservative leadership contender Kellie Leitch took a lot of flak this week: from former supporters, from a CBC columnist, from people who would usually never dream of voting Tory. But there are those who think Leitch is on the right track, and that she just might pull off a Trump-style surprise victory. Here's what readers had to say about Leitch and other topics this week:
Leitch for free speech
There's a battle going on in this country between social justice and free speech, and right now, free speech is on its heels. Leitch, imperfect though she may be, is trying to represent free speech fighting back. Unfettered free speech has never been a Canadian value. Maybe it's time we tried it.
Music to voters' ears
I wouldn't be so sure that Leitch couldn't lead a Donald Trump-style upset in Canada. Much of the anti-Trump sentiment in Canada centred on his obnoxious personality, rather than his xenophobic policies. There's enough xenophobia in Canada to pull off an anti-foreigner victory. I can think of at least two populous provinces where that sort of campaign would be music to the ears of many voters.
- Don Luft
Vote Leitch
I would vote for Leitch in an instant. I don't understand why people are so upset about her wanting to keep Canada "Canadian." My understanding of "Canadian values" are those that uphold our freedoms and maintain the importance of Canadian laws. To screen someone to see if they believe in these values is important; we don't need people coming in trying to make laws to suit their beliefs.
My money, my health care

How dare anyone — politician, bureaucrat, uninformed citizen — even think of telling me how I can and can't spend my money, particularly when it comes to my health and life? What utter arrogance of some people to think they can dictate to others.
Canada and Canadians have a simple choice at present: continue to pay huge amounts of money for a dysfunctional "free" health care system with agonizing waits, suffering, deaths and general inaccessibility or take proactive steps to seek services internationally. It is quite simple. There is no need whatsoever to wait in line for diagnostics test or even surgical procedures if you need them. Just become a "medical tourist," get the care you need.
The right choice in Syria

It's better to have Trump support Bashar al-Assad than have a continuation of President Barack Obama's proxy support of ISIS, via the Saudis. Honestly, Russia has been on the right side all along, while dishonest Obama simply gave lip service to "defeating ISIS." How many years has the U.S. been fighting ISIS? Three! The best armed forces in the world can't defeat 5000 irregular militia in three years, and yet they defeated the army of Saddam Hussein in Iraq in three months. Come on people — this doesn't smell right.
It's not to say Assad is a good man. He's a horrible dictator who should be brought up on charges. But when faced with the possibility of psychotic Islamic fundamentalist or secular dictator (in the style of Assad or Saddam), Russia was right to pick the latter. Trump will do the same.
Reader comments have been edited for length and clarity.