Derek Sloan: It's time to elect a government that puts the interests of Canadians first
Eastern Ontario MP says he would end carbon tax and gun ban, pull out of World Health Organization
This column is a point of view by Conservative Party leadership candidate Derek Sloan. CBC News invited all four candidates to write about the key ideas in their platform, why Canada needs these ideas now, and what actions they would prioritize in their first 100 days as leader of the nation if the party is elected to form the next government. CBC News will have special coverage of the Conservative leadership race results on Sunday Aug. 23 on, CBC Television and CBC News Network starting at 5 p.m. ET, and on CBC Radio One starting at 6:30 p.m. ET.
I entered this race because Conservatives deserve, and Canadians need, a leader who will never apologize for being Conservative, and never apologize for putting Canada first.
Too often Conservatives have said the right thing, but have later backed down or apologized under pressure. In our divided age, anything worth saying will be criticized by someone, and if our goal is pleasing everyone, we as politicians ought to find a different career.
Canada needs boldness, assertiveness and courage.
Canada can no longer go along to get along – and must chart its own course in an uncertain world, and during uncertain times. I have proposed a simple Canada-first policy that prioritizes national sovereignty, energy independence, environmental stewardship (as opposed to climate alarmism), and civil liberties (including parental rights).
I will introduce legislation to prevent any level of government from making mask-wearing or vaccines mandatory. I will not permit a general, economy-destroying lock-down again.- Derek Sloan
I'm unashamed of this platform. I believe our immigration policy must serve Canada's needs first. I'm unafraid to suggest we ought to reduce our immigration levels to bring us in line with immigration levels in other developed countries. This would mean reducing annual immigration from 350,000 per year to 150,000 per year. This will have positive effects on middle class wages and housing prices in our biggest cities.
I will not apologize for being adamantly against the Paris Agreement.
The Paris Agreement enables China, India and other countries to continue to expand their emissions until 2030, whereas Canada has committed to reducing its emissions by 30 per cent during this period. Not only will this agreement do nothing for the environment, it will help to transfer more manufacturing to China – an outcome we need as much as we need a noose around our collective necks.

Promoting Canadian energy
I am not afraid to question our government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadians are rightly concerned with Canada's involvement with Chinese companies connected to the Chinese Communist Party to develop vaccines to fight COVID-19. They are right to wonder why social media is banning videos of doctors around the world who are touting alternative, cheaper and effective treatments to COVID-19.
I will also support free speech, freedom of inquiry, and the right for peaceful dissent.
An engaged citizenry is a powerful citizenry. On the contrary, a nation of sheep will inevitably be governed by wolves.
I will always be a champion of Canadian energy. It is absolutely hypocritical to suggest that placing additional burdens on our energy sector, while we simultaneously import millions of dollars daily of foreign oil, is environmentally friendly! We are losing billions of dollars annually because we are forced to sell our oil at a massive discount to the U.S, while our East Coast refineries are using Saudi and other sources of oil that are nowhere near Canadian standards of environmentally sound extraction, nor remotely close to our freedom-oriented governing approach.
During my first 100 days as prime minister I will follow through on the promises I've put forward in my campaign.
I will reverse the Liberal "gun grab," I will cease funding the World Health Organization, I will pull Canada out of the Paris Agreement, I will scrap the carbon tax and repeal bills C-69 and C-48.
I will appoint a new Chief Public Health Officer to guide us out of the pandemic. I will introduce legislation to prevent any level of government from making mask-wearing or vaccines mandatory. I will not permit a general, economy-destroying lock-down again.
I have advocated for many other things, and I will never forsake those values. I will be an implacable advocate for the Canadian people, and will never sacrifice their personal freedoms. I will end social media censorship, and will promote a truly free marketplace of ideas and opinions in Canada. I will be an untiring advocate for medical choice and autonomy.
I will never sacrifice the principles that got me this far, and I am an unabashed Canadian patriot who will always put Canadians first, whatever the sacrifice, whatever the cost. Of that you have my word. God bless you, and God bless Canada.