Photo of Trudeau and his mom elicits warm reactions online
'I'm sure Pierre is beaming somewhere'

A picture of a shared moment between Justin Trudeau and his mother Monday evening is prompting warm reactions online.
The image was captured before the prime minister-designate spoke to Canadians after winning a Liberal majority government.
Earlier in the campaign, Margaret said of her son, "Justin has a wisdom... I'm very biased as his mum — but Justin's been through an awful lot in his life, and he's grown up on the knee of one of the world's great leaders."
The photo, snapped by Justin Tang for The Canadian Press, is being shared widely online. CBC News asked readers what the image says to them.
"No matter what side of the political spectrum you sit on, on this we should all be able to agree that this photo is great," Doug Fearwood wrote on Facebook.
"She is one proud mother of her son that for sure is more then happy for him for living his dream and also," wrote Amanada Stewart, also on Facebook.
Sandi Budzak Soares echoed the sentiment.
"I see love, pride and nostalgia in Margaret's face. I see love and gratitude in Justin's face."
Here's how some users responded on Twitter to our question.
<a href="">@CBCNews</a> How proud as a mother she must be!
<a href="">@CBCNews</a> A Mother's love.
<a href="">@CBCNews</a> It means love and affection
<a href="">@CBCNews</a> It makes me miss my mum who was always my first supporter.
<a href="">@CBCNews</a> <a href="">@nstdenis</a> A very moving moment, a heart-squeezing moment.
<a href="">@CBCNews</a> I'm sure Pierre is beaming somewhere.
<a href="">@CBCNews</a> This pic brought tears to my eye's. She is obviously super proud of him!!
<a href="">@CBCNews</a> I think its fabulous!