3 more years of Economic Action Plan ads on the way?
Tender out for TV, radio, theatre, print and digital campaign to 'create confidence'

The Harper government is looking for a creative contractor to continue those feel-good "economic action plan" ads that have blanketed the airwaves for the past four years.
A new call for tenders says the winning advertising firm will spend up to the next three years handling ads on TV, radio, theatre screens and print and digital media.
The statement of work says creating consumer confidence and confidence in the direction of the country is a major objective of the campaign.
The winning firm is also required to strategize to ensure the "economic action plan" brand motivates the target audience.
The Conservatives have spent more than $100 million since 2009 promoting the "economic action plan" brand, and the government's own studies have suggested many Canadians are weary of the advertising.
But an analysis last year by the Privy Council Office, the bureaucracy that supports the prime minister, also found those who saw the ads were more likely to approve of the overall performance of the government.