Julie Van Dusen
Senior Reporter
Julie Van Dusen has covered politics for more than 30 years in CBC's Parliamentary Bureau in Ottawa.
Latest from Julie Van Dusen

That's me in the middle: Julie Van Dusen reflects on a career covering politics
Julie Van Dusen has been a journalist with CBC News for over 30 years. In that time she's been Canadians' eyes and ears in the halls of federal power, witness to some of the most important political events of the age. She announced this week that she is retiring from CBC to pursue other projects.
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Pope Francis does a better job of LGBTQ outreach than Andrew Scheer, says activist
The head of Canada's leading advocacy organization for LGBTQ Canadians says Pope Francis has shown more interest in reaching out to her community than Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has so far.
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Canadian pastor's release from North Korean prison result of long diplomatic negotiation: source
The release of a Canadian pastor held in a North Korean prison for more than two years was the result of a long negotiation between Canada and North Korea, CBC News has learned.
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Canada's Dominion Carillonneur becomes a citizen on Canada Day
Dr. Andrea McCrady laughs when she's asked why she has wanted to become a Canadian citizen for years. "I'm so excited! Who wouldn't want to become a Canadian. Its a great country."
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Liberal MPs get closed-door briefing on harassment
Eager to avoid a repeat of past scandals, the Liberal caucus used a closed-door meeting to give MPs clear guidelines on appropriate workplace behaviour and to encourage them to report harassment between MPs and staff to the proper authorities, caucus sources tell CBC News.
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Committee filibuster over changes to House of Commons rules to resume Monday, opposition MPs say
When Parliament returns after a week’s break tomorrow, opposition MPs are vowing to continue their marathon attempts to talk out the legislative clock in their effort to derail the Liberal government’s plans to reform how the House of Commons operates.
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Police say woman stole car on Parliament Hill after trying to get into Centre Block
Ottawa police have charged a 27-year-old Ottawa woman they say stole a taxi to drive to Parliament Hill and then stole another vehicle once she was turned away from its entrance by Hill security.
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Leader of Senate independents defends decision to send Don Meredith to UN women's conference
The convener of the Independent Senators Group is defending her decision to send Don Meredith to the UN women's conference in New York, even while he was facing questions from the Senate ethics officer about his sexual relationship with a teenage girl.
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Any number of reasons could prompt the pot-smoking question at U.S. border
If simply telling a U.S. border guard that you have smoked pot can get you barred from the country for life, many who have never been asked the question might be wondering what prompts a customs officer to pose the query in the first place.
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Banning Canadians from U.S. for life for smoking pot 'ludicrous,' says Goodale
Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale says Canadians slapped with a lifetime ban on entering the United States for telling a border guard they have recreationally smoked pot is a "ridiculous situation" that needs to be addressed.
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