Stockwell Day
Stockwell Day, a senior federal cabinet minister from 2006 to 2011, when he chose not to seek re-election, has been minister of public safety and international trade, as well as head of the Treasury Board. He is a regular contributor on the CBC News Network's Power & Politics with Evan Solomon.
Latest from Stockwell Day

Assisted-suicide ruling response requires nationwide debate
Last week's Supreme Court ruling on assisted suicide has given our MPs a year to bring in new legislation. The debate around what this law should look like must reach far beyond Parliament Hill. This is a critical democratic moment for any citizen who wishes to have input on this life and death matter, writes Stockwell Day.
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Advice for politicians caught in the media firestorm
Anybody who engages in public life with a desire to make a contribution will sooner or later go through the "living hell" of a media firestorm, writes Stockwell Day. But, he argues, even with the heat from the media and the so-called Twitterverse, patience and grace under fire can be virtues.
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JFK's image endures as his conservative legacy fades: Stockwell Day
JFK never gets old. As heartbreaking as his assassination was, it bequeathed upon him something that escapes most mortals: the aura of eternal youthfulness. What hasn't endured quite so well is a common understanding of his conservative policy positions, argues Stockwell Day.
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World won't wait for Canada to aid in progress: Stockwell Day
Canada can play a part in the phenomenal development taking place around the world - but the world won't wait. They will get the energy, resources and human talent they need from other places if Canada can't deliver, writes Stockwell Day.
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Stockwell Day: Abolish the Senate? Build it up instead
Not only is abolishing the Senate next to impossible, it's also a bad idea. An Upper Chamber filled with provincially-elected representatives would be far better and address a major flaw in Canada's parliamentary system.
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Stockwell Day: Ralph Klein was 'genuine,' kept his word
Stockwell Day, who served in former Alberta premier Ralph Klein's cabinet, remembers the man he describes as 'just Ralph.'
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Stockwell Day: With budgets, it's the spending, stu--d
There is an inconvenient truth about government spending: As its size relative to the overall economy increases, the prosperity of citizens shrinks - and that's the problem facing Canadian finance ministers during this budget season, Stockwell Day writes.
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Stockwell Day: Time will run out on the politics of debt
Politicians who support more spending as a way to reduce debt are hoping mainly for one thing: timing. It worked for President Barack Obama, but Conservatives should oppose it for the long-term good, Stockwell Day writes.
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Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama and the liberal media
Two summer predictions: Justin Trudeau will run for the leadership of the Liberal party and win. And Barack Obama will win a second term as president. Why? The media can't help themselves.
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