Blue Jays game is same night as election and the internet is worried
"Like many adults, I can care deeply about 2 things at once"

Millions of Canadians will undoubtedly be glued to their television screens to watch the Jays host the Royals in game three of the American League Championship Series, which as it turns out, happens to fall on election day.
The Jays advanced to the ALCS Wednesday night after Jose Bautista hit a game-winning, three-run home run against the Texas Rangers.
All of CANADA STILL. <a href=""></a>
Viewing numbers for previous Jays playoff games have been extremely high.
Scott Moore, president of Sportsnet & NHL Properties for Rogers, tweeted that more than nine million Canadians watched the game.
9.4 million Canadians tuned in for at least a part of ALDS game 3, with an average audience of 4.17 million over 3 hours. <a href="">#BlueJays</a>
With the Jays first home game falling on the night of Oct. 19, many people have taken to Twitter to express their opinions on the election vs. baseball showdown.
Some people are concerned.
The Jays bein scheduled on the day we're having a federal election is ridiculous. Thanks for that one MLB.
There could be a very low turnout to vote in the federal election if the jays game is the same day. <a href="">#justsaying</a> <a href="">#priorities</a> <a href="">#gojaysgo</a>
Jays game on election night…I'm pretty sure that isn't going to help.
So the jays first ALCS home game is election night? much for voter turnout.
Others are excited.
Blue Jays game 3 is on election night. Twitter might explode. <a href="">#ComeTogether</a> <a href="">#elxn42</a>
ALCS game 3 is on election day. Vote quickly then cheer on the Jays!
Some are devising new strategies to promote voting.
If they let the Jays play at home on Election night, and put a polling station there, voter turnout would be through the roof.
Conflict: Blue Jays in ALCS game 3 on Monday. Can we just move the election to another night? <a href="">#elxn2015</a>
While others are simply not going to watch election coverage.
Jays playing Monday night at home? Guess I'm not watching any election coverage.
Though many are taking a balanced approach.
The Jays playoff run isn't "distracting" me from this important election. Like many adults, I can care deeply about 2 things at once.