Advance polls leave some waiting, others breeze through
Voters across country share their stories with #PollWatch hashtag

Voters are heading to advance polls in much larger numbers than back in 2011.
With the increase in voter turnout, some issues have come up, such as long wait times.
By using the hashtag #PollWatch, voters from all over the country have been sharing their stories.
Many people have found the process to be straightforward
My wife, daughter and I voted in under 5 minutes. It's not all bad. <a href="">#PollWatch</a> <a href="">@CBCNews</a>
We voted yesterday. Took less then 5 minutes <a href="">#PollWatch</a>
The whole family went to vote yesterday. No line, take advantage of the advance polls. Good job Elections Canada. <a href="">#PollWatch</a>
I'm thankful I had no issues voting. Voter card correct, polling station easy to find, nice <a href="">@ElectionsCan_E</a> workers, short line. <a href="">#PollWatch</a>
Just voted in Ottawa West-Nepean in less than 10 minutes! Happy to see a strong turn out in this riding <a href="">#PollWatch</a>
While other people have expressed complaints
<a href="">@CBCNews</a> 70+ year old in Christina Lake, voting card said vote in Midway (1 hr away) instead of C Lake. Same address forever <a href="">#PollWatch</a>
Tried to vote friday DonVWest Waited in line 45 min but line of 30 people hardly moved. I left as did many others. <a href="">#PollWatch</a>
I literally had to push the ballot into the box because it was so full. <a href="">#elxn42</a> <a href=""></a>
Voted! Hour long wait in Dundas, brutally inefficient system, hope it's better by Oct 19! <a href="">#pollwatch</a> <a href="">#VoteNation</a>
<a href="">#PollWatch</a> 1hr + wait time at St Philips Church to process >20 advance voters <a href="">#elexn42</a> <a href=""></a>
Let us know if you're having any issues. Tweet us using the hashtag #PollWatch