Chrystia Freeland crashes men-only club, but guy in bathrobe steals the show
Candidate Chrystia Freeland upstaged by a man in bathrobe

Liberal candidate Chrystia Freeland crashed the Toronto men-only club that was supposed to host a speech by Finance Minister Joe Oliver on Wednesday afternoon.
Freeland said she was upset that Oliver planned to deliver a economic speech in the private Cambridge Club, which caters to business executives. The lunchtime talk was cancelled just two hours before it was supposed to start after facing criticism on social media.
Though Oliver wasn't there, Freeland and members of the media went anyway. She was greeted in the lobby of the hotel where the club is housed by its manager and an unidentified man in a bathrobe and sneakers, who has since captured the imagination of the internet.
omfg this picture <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
when you’re just tryna relax in your bathrobe at the private men's club and the media shows up <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
<a href="">#bathrobeguy</a>: Is that a woman talking to a man in a men's club? Where are my clothes? <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
Alternate angle of bathrobe man at Freeland scrum today. <a href="">#cdnpoli</a> <a href=""></a>
The bathrobe guy caught quite a few people off guard (though apparently it's normal to lounge in a towel at the club).
<a href="">@alox</a> Seems... legit? The bathrobe guy in the photo looks so out of place.
<a href="">@AaronWherry</a> <a href="">@l_stone</a> waitwaitwait... why is that guy in a bathrobe?
The fact some dude in bathrobe happened to be walking by & joined media scrum at men's club event that <a href="">@cafreeland</a> crashed is beyond parody.
Just hours after he made his debut, there were already big expectations.
<a href="">@ThatMohamedOmar</a> Mentally and emotionally preparing for Bathrobe Guy to become Joe the Plumber 2015
I would like the guy in the bathrobe to be memed into every campaign photo from now on. <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@krisp131</a> <a href="">@MetroNewsCanada</a> The dude in the bathrobe just says it all.. He needs a twitter account like the <a href="">#AngryEarl</a> guy
<a href="">@iD4RO</a> Angry Con Guy/Bathrobe Guy to lead own party
One Canadian Press reporter even suggested the Bathrobe Guy run for public office.
<a href="">@robyndoolittle</a> <a href="">#Bathrobe</a> for PM <a href="">#elxn42</a>
Others weren't as impressed.
Outrageously aggrieved look on bathrobe's face =all you need to know re men's club.Thx <a href="">@cafreeland</a> <a href="">#elxn42</a> <a href="">#cdnpoli</a> <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@kady</a> Where are his slippers, bad form bathrobe guy!
And some were just waiting for the memes to begin.
The federal campaign, which is barely three weeks old, has already had its fair share of meme-able moments. First there was Angry Old Tory, then the Middle Kid...
<a href="">@AaronWherry</a> 48 hours of "bathrobe guy" memes in 3...2...