Dean Del Mastro case: Tory proposal to refer to House committee
Motion would have MPs study possible actions, including suspension without pay pending appeal

The full text of Government House Leader Peter Van Loan's proposed motion to refer Dean Del Mastro's case to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs for further study:
That the matter of the October 31, 2014, decision of the Ontario Court of Justice respecting the Member for Peterborough in relation to charges under the Canada Elections Act—and, in particular, that of wilfully incurring expenses in excess of a campaign expense limit, contrary to section 443 of the Act—be referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs with instruction that it report back to the House with recommendations, including those addressing the following issues:
(a) a suspension of the Member, without pay, pending the finalization of all legal proceedings in this matter;
(b) an expulsion of the Member, should a conviction under section 443 not be set aside by a competent authority and no further rights of appeal remain available to the Member, together with the appropriate Order, in those circumstances, for the Speaker to issue his warrant to the Chief Electoral Officer for the issue of a writ for the election of a Member to serve in the present Parliament for the electoral district of Peterborough;
(c) the appropriate approach respecting the Member’s pensions, travel status expense account, insurance and other benefits;
(d) the appropriate approach respecting the employment of the staff, and management of the offices, of the Member; and
(e) any other questions that arise as a result of this matter and its disposition.