Eve Adams, Natalia Lishchyna OK'd to run in Oakville North-Burlington

Two candidates in a heated and often-hostile struggle to carry the Conservative banner in a new Toronto-area riding have been approved to run.
Tories in Oakville North-Burlington will get to cast ballots for either MP Eve Adams or chiropractor Natalia Lishchyna on May 24.
The approval by the party's national candidate selection committee means officials did not find Adams had exceeded her campaign spending limits, an issue under scrutiny.
Lishchyna's campaign and some local residents had complained that Adams was misleading people into thinking she was in fact the MP for the area although she currently represents a non-adjacent riding.
She also received a written rebuke from the party for allegedly abusing party members at a local riding association board meeting.
But Adams and her campaign have said they have followed all the rules, and that criticisms have been exaggerated by supporters of her opponent.