Former RCMP officer newest SIRC appointee
A former RCMP officer and corporate security specialist is the newest federal appointee of the watchdog that keeps an eye on the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.
Security Intellegence Review Committee is still one member short

A former RCMP officer and corporate security specialist is the newest federal appointee of the watchdog that keeps an eye on the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.
Gene McLean, a private consultant who was once chief security officer for Telus Corp., joins three others on the Security Intelligence Review Committee, leaving it one member short of a full complement.
In its latest planning report to Parliament, tabled this week, the review committee says its effectiveness depends on having a full slate of five members.
Former MP Deborah Grey was named interim chairwoman of the review committee last year when Chuck Strahl stepped down amid questions about his lobbying activities.
A permanent chair has not been named.