Hussen visits Washington to discuss asylum seekers

High-level meetings have wrapped up in Washington on the ongoing influx of illegal border-crossers coming to Canada from the U.S.
Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen met with Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen today to discuss the issue of irregular migration at non-official ports of entry, which has been straining Canada's refugee resources.
A statement said the two leaders discussed how to work together on immigration and border security issues, including visa and screening policies, as well as stopping the misuse of U.S. visas for illegally entering Canada.
Most of the asylum seekers arriving in Canada this year have been from Nigeria, carrying U.S. travel visas obtained with the express purpose of claiming refugee status in Canada.
Nielsen said those would-be refugees likely will find their U.S. visas revoked and their ability to travel impeded as a result.
Hussen said there are no formal negotiations on the so-called Safe Third Country agreement, but that discussions on the agreement and collaboration with the U.S. on improving border management will continue.