Is Canada set to combat ISIS in Iraq? Replay Wednesdays with @Kady
Kady O'Malley and Janyce McGregor field your questions and comments on how Canada seems to be shifting to a combat mission to fight ISIS in Iraq and the big (and expensive) push on Canada's EU trade agreement.
Plus: What should we make of the Canada-EU trade deal? Replay the chat with blogger Kady O'Malley

When the crisis in Iraq started, Canada's response was a rhetorical assault, backed up by humanitarian aid and military logistics support.
But as the fight against ISIS grinds on, it appears the Harper government is shifting in the direction of a combat mission that could see CF-18s join the ongoing airstrikes in the near future, among other military options.
This week on our weekly Wednesdays with Kady live chat: how do you feel about the march towards a combat mission for Canadian troops? What do you expect from Canada's Parliament when that's afoot?
Also on our agenda:
- The Harper government gave a big push to the Canada-EU trade deal on Friday. Do Canadians agree that this is the right deal? How smart has the government's strategy been in response to its critics and doubters, both at home and in Europe? Have the opposition parties been making the right plays?
- After question period, the Tories could move to limit debate on Peter MacKay's controversial online crime bill. Is cutting to the chase on this debate the right thing to do? What could be the consequences?
Moderator's note: We ran out of time for the third topic. Our apologies!
Replay the chat here: