Jo Cox shooting: Politicians in Canada, around the world react to death of British MP
'Acts of violence and hatred have no place in a democracy,' says Stephen Harper

British MP Jo Cox was shot dead in the street in northern England on Thursday, causing shock across the U.K. and other countries, including Canada.
Cox's death led to the suspension of campaigning on both sides for next week's "Brexit" referendum, where the U.K. will vote on the country's EU membership.
Prime Minister David Cameron commenting on Cox's death said, "This is absolutely tragic and dreadful news."
"We have lost a great star," he said." She was a great campaigning MP with huge compassion and a big heart."
The death of Jo Cox is a tragedy. She was a committed and caring MP. My thoughts are with her husband Brendan and her two young children.
Former U.S. congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who survived a shooting in 2011, said she was "absolutely sickened to hear of the assassination of Jo Cox."
"She was young, courageous, and hardworking," Giffords wrote on Twitter. "A rising star, mother, and wife."
Absolutely sickened to hear of the assassination of Jo Cox. She was young, courageous, and hardworking. A rising star, mother, and wife.
In Canada, there was a minute of silence in the House of Commons during question period following a tearful tribute by NDP MP Nathan Cullen, who knew Cox personally.
Interim Conservative Leader Rona Ambrose tweeted her condolences.
"Very sad that British MP Jo Cox has been killed. Praying that her family can find peace. Grieving with our parliamentary cousins in the U.K."
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair echoed Ambrose's sentiments, saying his thoughts were with Cox's family and friends.
Very sad that British MP Jo Cox has been killed. Praying that her family can find peace. Grieving with our Parliamentary cousins in the UK.
Appalled and deeply saddened to learn of the violent death of British Labour MP Jo Cox. My thoughts are with her family and her friends.
Louis Belanger, director of communications for Minister of International Development and La Francophonie Marie-Claude Bibeau, reflected on working for Cox, who he called "Super Jo."
Former prime minister Stephen Harper said "acts of violence and hatred have no place in a democracy," and sent his thoughts and prayers to Cox's family.
She truly changed my life. Hired me <a href="">@Oxfam</a> and gave me the confidence to just go for it. <a href="">#RIPJoCox</a> I will always remember you as "Super Jo"
Acts of violence and hatred have no place in a democracy. Thoughts and prayers are with Mrs. Cox’s family.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said he was "deeply sad" for Cox and the British people, and said her killing was also an attack on democracy.
"Through her, it's our democratic ideals that were targeted," said Valls. "Never accept that!"
French President François Hollande expressed solidarity for the British people.
J'exprime ma profonde émotion après l'assassinat de Jo Cox. J'adresse mes condoléances à sa famille et ma solidarité au peuple britannique.
With files from CBC News