Joe Oliver's economic statement on Wednesdays with Kady
Kady O'Malley and Janyce McGregor took your questions and comments as Finance Minister Joe Oliver presented his fall economic update at the Canadian Club in Toronto.
Replay our live chat with blogger Kady O'Malley

Today on our Wednesdays with @Kady live chat:
- After years of deficits, Finance Minister Joe Oliver is poised to unveil good news to his business-friendly audience at the Canadian Club in Toronto today: the federal books are set to balance just in time for the 2015 general election. How happy are you with what decisions were made to get here? What do you think of the government's plans for what to do next?
- Plus: Fresh off yesterday's moving tributes at the National War Memorial for Remembrance Day, Prime Minister Stephen Harper boarded a plane for New Zealand and Australia, landing eventually at the G-20 talks in Brisbane this Saturday. As bombs continue to fall in Iraq, with a game-changing climate deal in the works between the U.S. and China and trade talks continuing to be seen as the best international economic boost leaders can facilitate... what do you make of Canada's current role on the global stage?
(Note: time constraints prohibited much discussion of the second topic)