Justin and Pierre: An electoral tale of two Trudeaus
Here are some facts about the political career of Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, the prime minister-designate, and his father, former prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau:
Year/age when first elected to house:
Justin — 2008, age 37. Pierre — 1965, age 46.

Year/age of becoming Liberal leader:
Justin — April 14, 2013, age 42. Pierre — April 20, 1968, age 49.
Justin — Papineau. Pierre — Mount Royal.
Year of first general election as party leader:
Justin — 2015. Pierre — 1968.
First campaign slogans:
Justin in 2015 — "Real Change." Pierre in 1968 — "Come Work with Me."
Campaign Songs:
Justin in 2015 — "The Veldt" by Deadmau5. Pierre in 1968 — None.
Number of national televised leaders debates:
2015 — 5. 1968 — 1.

Outcome of campaigns:
Justin — Elected with a majority government on Oct. 19. Pierre — Elected with a majority government.
Population then and now according to Statistics Canada:
In 2015 — 35,749,600. In 1968 — 20,701,000.
Number of seats now and then:
2015 — 338. 1968 — 264.
Issues of the day now and then:
2015 — Economic stability, Syrian refugee crisis, anti-terrorism measures.
1968 — Quebec sovereignty, affordable housing, poverty rates.
- A photo caption in this story incorrectly stated that Justin Trudeau and wife Sophie Gregoire have two children. The couple in fact has three children, and a correction has been made.Oct 20, 2015 3:47 AM EDT