Mac Harb fraud, breach of trust case put off to April 22
Liberal-appointed senator, now retired, faces charges related to Senate expense claims

The case of Mac Harb, the former senator who faces charges of fraud and breach of trust over his Senate expense claims, has been put off to April 22.
A lawyer from the firm representing Harb appeared briefly on his behalf in Ottawa court Tuesday to request the next date in the process.
Matters like this can be put off several times before a trial date is set, as lawyers exchange information and review the case evidence.
A lawyer for Conservative-appointed Senator Patrick Brazeau appeared in court yesterday for Brazeau's case. Brazeau is also facing charges of fraud and breach of trust related to his Senate expense claims. His case was put off to April 28.
Both Brazeau and Harb say they did nothing wrong and that they complied with Senate's rules.
Harb's lawyer, Sean May, said it's likely going to be at least a year before the case goes to trial.
Harb, who was appointed by the Liberals, "remains determined to defend himself in the strongest possible way. It's not an easy process to go through and this sort of scrutiny is public. He's intent to continue to fight to defend himself," May told CBC News in an interview.
Brazeau's lawyer, Christian Deslauriers, told reporters on Monday that a report by auditors at Deloitte pointed to grey zones in the Senate's expense rules.
May said he wouldn't call them "grey zones," but said the auditors said the rules "are unclear."
"My respectful view is that if auditors and chartered accountants are coming to that conclusion, then it certainly raises a significant issue in respect of strongly advancing a defence on behalf of our client," May said.
Harb isn't expected to speak to journalists before the trial.