Mohawk language circle aims to strengthen identity

The Tsi Kionhnheht Ne Onkwawenna Language Circle in Tyendinaga Territory received $43,080 for a language project from the Aboriginal Languages Initiative, a Canadian Heritage program.
The money went towards hosting and recording two, three-day workshops where first- and second-language speakers from the seven Mohawk communities in Canada gathered to discuss cultural topics.
Follow the money
A series on 2013 federal spending announcements by students from the Carleton School of Journalism.
The initiative will hopefully keep the Mohawk language alive for generations to come as many of the fluent speakers age, said the organizers, Nathan Brinklow and Callie Hill.
The two sessions will produce a recording of the discussions and a lexicon of common phrases and words that will be available to all the participating communities.
Listen to Bonnie O'Sullivan's audio report.
Aboriginal Languages Initiative
Here is a breakdown of projects that received funding from the Aboriginal Languages Initiative from Canadian Heritage’s Aboriginal Peoples’ Program. This information is from Canadian Heritage press releases:
• Tyendinaga Territory, Ont.
- Announced Oct. 8, 2013
- Recipient: Tsi Kionhnheht Ne Onkwawenna Language Circle (TKNOLC)
- Received $43,080.
- Two, three-day language sessions where first and second language Mohawk speakers gather to record discussions of cultural topics and common idioms, phrases, and frequently used words.
- News release
• Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
- Announced Oct. 11, 2013
- Recipient: Mi’kmaq Burial Grounds Research & Restoration Association (MBGRR)
- Received $66,060.
- Project description: An intensive language retreat for 20 participants and weekly language classes open to the public.
- News release
• Kamloops, British Columbia
- Announced Aug. 30, 2013
- Recipient: Lii Michif Otipemisiwak Family and Community Services Society
- Received $75,028 from multiple programs under the Department of Canadian Heritage, including: the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage program and the Aboriginal Languages Initiative, and Aboriginal Women’s Programming Element of the Aboriginal Peoples’ Program.
- Project description: A six-day immersion excursion for youth
- News release
• Kenora, Ontario
- Announced July 5, 2013.
- Recipient: Bimose Tribal Council.
- Received: $67,099.
- Project description: seven nine-day language immersion camps to 84 adults.
- News release
• Dauphin, Manitoba
- Announced June 24, 2013.
- Recipient: Dauphin Friendship Centre.
- Received: $41,516.
- Project description: The Dauphin Friendship Centre will expand its current language instruction program and will provide 463 hours of interactive language instruction to 163 people.
- News release
• Riverton, Manitoba
- Announced June 10, 2013.
- Recipient: Riverton and District Friendship Centre.
- Received: $23,457.
- Project Description: The Friendship Centre will offer Oji-Cree and Saulteaux language instruction during a summer day camp and a community language and culture course.
- News release
• Selkirk, Manitoba
- Announced June 4, 2013.
- Recipient: Selkirk Friendship Centre.
- Received: $15,750.
- Project Description: The Friendship Centre will offer three hours of classes per week for each language (Cree, Ojibway, and Michif) over an 8-week period.
- News release
Bonnie O'Sullivan is a 4th-year journalism student at Carleton University in Ottawa. This story is part of a project by the Carleton School of Journalism on federal spending announcements in 2013.