MP Eve Adams joins Liberals at caucus meeting, question period
New colleague Wayne Easter says floor-crossing MP won't stifle caucus openness

Former Conservative MP Eve Adams joined the Liberal Party's weekly caucus meeting this morning, 10 days after crossing the floor from the Conservative Party.
Adams also appeared in the House of Commons for Wednesday's question period, after missing the session Monday and Tuesday.
Adams told reporters on her way into the caucus meeting Wednesday she couldn't thank her colleagues enough for their warm welcome. She approached waiting reporters flanked by two Liberal colleagues and a senior adviser to Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau.
Liberal MP Wayne Easter said Adams brings "some experience as a parliamentarian" as she joins the party's caucus, bringing the party's total to 36 MPs. He said having a recent Conservative in the caucus meeting, which all parties consider to be places they can speak openly and privately with colleagues, won't stop him from speaking his mind.
"She's a member of our caucus. She has come over and she's got her own rights within caucus and she can speak with an open mind," Easter said.
"I always in caucus speak with an open mind regardless of the consequences, and I think most of us intend to continue to do that."