Ottawa shooting 1 week later: Security vs. privacy on Wednesdays with @Kady
Kady O'Malley and Janyce McGregor field your questions and comments one week after the attacks on soldiers in Quebec and Ottawa and the security breach on Parliament Hill. How appropriate is the Harper government's response?
Replay our live chat with blogger Kady O'Malley

It has been one week since a lone gunman shot and fatally wounded a soldier at the National War Memorial in Ottawa before staging an attack on Parliament Hill that left the shooter dead.
MPs are holding caucus meetings on the Hill this morning just as they were when the gunman, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, ran through Centre Block one week ago.
Today on our Wednesdays with @Kady live chat:
- What did both attacks, in not only Ottawa but also St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que., mean to you? How have you responded to the violence in your own work and community life? What questions about what happened in both incidents continue to nag at you, one week later?
- How would you rate the Harper government's tone and conduct in the immediate aftermath and the days that followed the attacks? What about the opposition?
- Are the enhanced security measures already put in place and the legislation — both newly-introduced and yet to come — adequate and appropriate? Does CSIS need more power? Should the RCMP be in charge of investigating what went wrong? Should more patrolling and control of speech on the Internet be part of the solution?
- As privacy and access to information commissioners meet in Ottawa today and with a conference underway to consider the Maher Arar case ten years on... what privacy and human rights concerns emerge as governments grapple with their response to these kind of attacks?