Patrick Brazeau trial resumes with defence cross-examination of key witness

Patrick Brazeau's defence lawyer is continuing his cross examination of the Crown's key witness today at the suspended senator's assault trial.
Brazeau is facing charges of assault and sexual assault arising from an alleged incident two years ago in the Quebec city of Gatineau and has pleaded not guilty to the charges.
The female complainant, whose identity is protected, claims Brazeau pushed her down stairs, choked her, hit her head against a wall, spat on her and sexually assaulted her.
Defence attorney Gerard Larocque has tried to poke holes in the woman's allegations and has suggested she is an aggressive person prone to losing control.
Larocque has also accused the woman of striking Brazeau the day of the incident that led to his client's February 2013 arrest as well as a year before the encounter.
The woman has denied hitting Brazeau, who is expected to testify in his own defence.
The Conservatives ejected Brazeau from caucus shortly after his arrest.