Power & Politics invites your feedback - live and on-screen
Power & Politics invites viewers to take part in the program's political conversations using social media — with immediate and interactive results.
Viewers can tweet the program at @PnPCBC or post a response on the CBC Politics Facebook page to be part of the conversation — and see the feedback on-screen during the program. Comments and feedback will be moderated according to CBC guidelines.

Another feature — the Ballot Box — offers instant reactions to interviews and coverage. Viewers can vote on the instant Ballot Box question via Facebook or use QR-enabled smartphones to scan the "quick response" bar code right off the screen to take part. QR readers are available for many smartphones through app stores such as iTunes App Store, Blackberry Apps World or Android Market.
(Internet Explorer 8 users please note: browser cookies must be enabled to vote in Ballot Box on Facebook. Consult your browser's privacy settings. Facebook's privacy policy can be found here.)
Viewers can reach the show on Twitter at @PnPCBC, on Facebook at fb.me/cbcpolitics, or through Rosemary Barton on Twitter (@rosiebarton).
Power & Politics airs weekdays between 5 and 7 p.m. ET on CBC News Network. You can watch full past programs on demand here.