Rick Hillier, Stuart McLean among 44 Order of Canada recipients

Gov. Gen. David Johnston is investing 44 Canadians in the Order of Canada in a ceremony today at Rideau Hall.
Among the recipients Friday were:
- Philanthropist France Chrétien Desmarais, daughter of former prime minister Jean Chrétien.
- Retired Gen. Rick Hillier, former chief of the defence staffs.
- Retired Lt.-Gen. Charles Bouchard, who led the NATO mission over Libya last year.
- Activist Samantha Nutt, co-founder of War Child Canada.
- CBC broadcaster Stuart McLean, host of CBC Radio's The Vinyl Cafe.
- Open Text founder Tom Jenkins.
- Former clerk of the Privy Council, Kevin Lynch.
- Radio-Canada director Jean Bissonnette.
- Children's author Tim Wynne-Jones.
- Historian Natalie Zemon Davis.
Here is the full list of recipients:
Members of the Order of Canada
Miriam Adams, C.M., Toronto, Ont.
Cheryl Bartlett, C.M., Sydney, N.S.
Margaret Bloodworth, C.M., Ottawa, Ont.
Pierre Bruneau, C.M., O.Q., Montréal, Que.
John Buhler, C.M., Winnipeg, Man.
France Chrétien Desmarais, C.M., Westmount, Que.
Jocelyne Côté-O’Hara, C.M., Toronto, Ont.
Tom Dawe, C.M., Conception Bay South, N.L.
Daphne E. Dumont, C.M., Charlottetown, P.E.I.
John T. Ferguson, C.M., Edmonton, Alta.
Mary Ferguson-Paré, C.M., Lakefield, Ont.
Noël Pattison James, C.M., Kingston, Ont.
Pierre Lavoie, C.M., C.Q., M.S.M., Saguenay, Que.
Ana Paula Lopes, C.M., Toronto, Ont.
Leslie (Les) Manning, C.M., Medicine Hat, Alta.
Michael Meaney, C.M., C.Q., Beaconsfield, Que.
Samantha Joan Nutt, C.M., O. Ont., Toronto, Ont.
Ratna Omidvar, C.M., O. Ont., Toronto, Ont.
Marian Packham, C.M., Toronto, Ont.
Samuel Pierre, C.M., C.Q., Saint-Laurent, Que.
Sean Riley, C.M., Antigonish, N.S.
Pierrette Robitaille, C.M., Longueuil, Que.
Kathleen Sendall, C.M., Calgary, Alta.
Louise Sicuro, C.M., Montréal, Que.
Cyril Simard, C.M., O.Q., Québec, Que.
Claude St-Laurent, C.M., Saint-Lambert, Que.
Garnette Sutherland, C.M., Calgary, Alta.
Officers of the Order of Canada
Jean Bissonnette, O.C., Montréal, Que.
Lt.-Gen. Joseph Jacques Charles Bouchard, O.C., C.M.M., M.S.C., C.D. (Ret’d), Ottawa, Ont.
Gen. Rick J. Hillier, O.C., C.M.M., M.S.C., C.D. (Ret’d), Ottawa, Ont.
P. Thomas (Tom) Jenkins, O.C., Waterloo, Ont.
The Hon. Kevin G. Lynch, P.C., O.C., Ottawa, Ont.
Ermanno Mauro, O.C., Mississauga, Ont.
James A. McEwen, O.C., Vancouver, B.C.
Stuart McLean, O.C., Toronto, Ont.
Charles Pachter, O.C. Toronto, Ont. (This is a promotion within the Order)
Catherine Robbin, O.C., Tottenham, Ont.
Seymour Schulich, O.C., Willowdale, Ont. (This is a promotion within the Order)
Calvin Ralph Stiller, O.C., O. Ont., Arva, Ont. (This is a promotion within the Order)
Gilles Tremblay, O.C., O.Q., Montréal, Que.
Jeff Wall, O.C., Vancouver, B.C.
Ronald Worton, O.C., Ottawa, Ont. (This is a promotion within the Order)
Tim Wynne-Jones, O.C., Perth, Ont.
Companion of the Order of Canada
Natalie Zemon Davis, C.C., Toronto, Ont.