Senator Mike Duffy, in his own words
'I was ordered by the prime minister to pay the money back, end of discussion,' Duffy tells Senate

Click the Play button above to listen to Senator Mike Duffy's speech and Senator David Tkachuk's response.
Senator Mike Duffy launched a strident defence on Tuesday in the Senate against a motion that would see him suspended, along with Senators Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau from the chamber, and their pay and benefits cut.
Here are some excerpts from his speech — the full text of Duffy's speech from the official Hansard follows below:
"Like you, I took an solemn oath to put the interests of Canadians ahead of all else. However, the sad truth is I allowed myself to be intimidated into doing what I knew in my heart was wrong, out of a fear of losing my job and out a misguided sense of loyalty."
Describing a meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his then-chief of staff Nigel Wright, Duffy described Harper as saying: "'It's not about what you did. It's about the perception of what you did that's been created in the media. The rules are inexplicable to our base' … I was ordered by the prime minister [to] pay the money back, end of discussion."
"'Don't worry,' Nigel said. 'I'll write the cheque.'"
"There was an undertaking made by the PMO with the agreement of the Senate leadership that I would not…be audited by Deloitte, that I would be given a pass, and further, that if this phoney scheme ever became public, Senator Lebreton, the government leader of the day, would whip the Conservative caucus to prevent my expulsion from the chamber."
"Let me repeat, Deloitte investigated, their audit of my expenses related to my home in P.E.I., did not find wrongdoing, and they said I had not broken the Senate's rules."
"This motion is something one might expect to see in Iraq or Iran, or in Vladimir Putin's Russia, but not in democratic Canada. It is not, I repeat, fundamental justice."