'Tampon tax' will end July 1
The government tables motion Thursday to lift federal tax on feminine hygiene products

The federal government is nixing the GST on feminine hygiene products, including tampons, starting July 1.
The government tabled the change in a way and means motion on Thursday. The move comes much sooner than expected, as the Conservatives initially said it would be addressed in a future budget.
- 'Tampon tax' motion to remove GST gains government support
- Tampon tax elimination timeframe still up in the air
In addition to tampons, the change will include sanitary napkins, sanitary belts and menstrual cups.
NDP MP Irene Mathyssen, who sponsored a private member's bill on the issue, was glowing Thursday following the government's announcement.
"This is a victory for all women. It shows what a group of determined women and citizens can do," said Mathyssen.
"The women who made this an issue, their voices have finally been heard."
Mathyssen attributes the government's expedited timeline to the thousands of signatures on written and online petitions calling for an end to the tax. Many have long complained it unfairly targeted women by applying to an item of necessity.
Conservative MP Michelle Rempel wouldn't say why the move came today rather than in a future budget, as the government first suggested. Instead, she stayed on message, saying several times it is another example of the party lowering taxes.
"I think this is just a very positive move for Canadian women and in alignment with our government's record in this regard," Rempel told reporters.
All parties supported the NDP motion presented earlier this month during one of the party's opposition days. However, the government was non-committal on when the change could occur.
Following the vote, the New Democrats began demanding the government amend its budget implementation bill so the "tampon tax" could be removed immediately. The party has been trying to pass a bill to eliminate the tax since 2004.
Removing the tax is estimated to cost the government around $36 million.
Many took to Twitter to tweet their excitement Thursday, some calling it the best Canada Day gift all of time.
Best Canada Day gift �� RT <a href="https://twitter.com/RosieBarton">@RosieBarton</a>: Federal “tampon tax” removed as of July 1st. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/cdnpoli?src=hash">#cdnpoli</a>
Canadian women rejoice! The tampon tax will be removed July 1. Happy Canada Day, indeed.