The history of CP's Newsmaker of the Year

A list of Canada's Newsmakers of the Year, as determined in the annual poll of newsrooms across the country by The Canadian Press:
2015: Justin Trudeau, politician
2014: Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent and Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, slain soldiers
2013: Rob Ford, politician
2012: Luka Rocco Magnotta, killer
2011: Jack Layton, politician
2010: Russell Williams, sex killer
2009: Stephen Harper, politician
2008: Stephen Harper, politician
2007: The Mounties
2006: The Canadian Soldier
2005: John Gomery, Quebec judge
2004: Paul Martin, politician
2003: Paul Martin, politician
2002: Jean Chrétien, politician
2001: Stockwell Day, politician
2000: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1999: Pierre Trudeau, politician (named Canadian Newsmaker of the 20th Century)
1998: Jean Chrétien, politician
1997: Sheldon Kennedy, hockey player
1996: Donovan Bailey, sprinter
1995: Lucien Bouchard, politician
1994: Jacques Parizeau, politician
1993: Kim Campbell, politician
1992: The Constitution
1991: Brian Mulroney, politician
1990: Elijah Harper, politician
1989: Michael Wilson, politician
1988: Ben Johnson, sprinter
1987: Rick Hansen, cross-country wheelchair athlete
1986: Rick Hansen, cross-country wheelchair athlete
1985: Steve Fonyo, cross-country runner
1984: Brian Mulroney, politician
1983: Brian Mulroney, politician
1982: Wayne Gretzky, hockey player
1981: Terry Fox, cross-country runner
1980: Terry Fox, cross-country runner
1979: Joe Clark, politician

1978: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1977: Rene Levesque, politician
1976: Rene Levesque, politician
1975: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1974: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1973: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1972: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1971: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1970: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1969: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1968: Pierre Trudeau, politician
1967: Lester Pearson, politician
1966: John Diefenbaker, politician
1965: Lucien Rivard, drug smuggler
1964: Lester Pearson, politician
1963: Lester Pearson, politician
1962: Real Caouette, politician
1961: James Coyne, Bank of Canada governor
1960: John Diefenbaker, politician
1959: John Diefenbaker, Joey Smallwood, politicians
1958: John Diefenbaker, politician
1957: John Diefenbaker, politician
1956: Lester Pearson, diplomat

1955: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1954: Marilyn Bell, marathon swimmer
1953: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1952: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1951: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1950: Lester Pearson, diplomat
1949: Louis St. Laurent, politician
1948: Mackenzie King, politician
1947: Barbara Ann Scott, figure skater
1946: Igor Gouzenko, Soviet embassy cipher clerk