Ukraine crisis and Rob Ford on Wednesdays with Kady
Kady O'Malley answered your questions about the week's biggest stories

Justin Trudeau continues to face criticism for a joke he made in connection with the violent clashes in Ukraine.
In an interview taped last Thursday, which aired Sunday night, Trudeau said that Ukrainians should be concerned about Russian intervention, particularly since Russia was upset about its men's Olympic hockey team losing out on a shot at a medal in Sochi.
What do you make of Trudeau's comments? Are the government and the Official Opposition playing politics with a serious situation?
Now that Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird is heading to Ukraine, how can Canada help resolve the crisis?
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has confirmed he will be in Ottawa today to attend a gathering of 22 big city mayors.What will come out of that meeting?
Kady O'Malley took your questions on all those topics, as well as previewed this week's Manning Networking Conference.
Read the chat recap here.
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