
What do the Ford brothers and Donald Trump have in common?

Doug Ford has no plans to run for Prime Minister in the immediate future, but he's not ruling it out — in part because he says there's an appetite among North American voters for politicians who tell it like it is.

Doug Ford talks Trump and his own political ambitions on Power & Politics

Full interview with Doug Ford

10 years ago
Duration 13:46
The former Toronto mayoral candidate talks political ambitions, Donald Trump and why there's 'an appetite' for Conservative politics.

Doug Ford has no plans to run for Prime Minister in the immediate future, but he's not ruling it out — in part because he says there's an appetite among North American voters for politicians who tell it like it is. 

"They want someone that says it the way it is and doesn't sugar coat it," he tells host Rosemary Barton on CBC News Network's Power & Politics.

Three examples of politicians who do just that, in Ford's opinion?

The former Toronto city councillor and former Toronto mayoral candidate pointed to himself, brother Rob Ford and U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. 

"We aren't the phony politicians, we say what the vast majority of politicians won't say and [what] a large majority of the people are thinking," he said. 

"There's nothing worse than listening to some phony politician tell you one thing and do something else," Ford said.

"You look at Trump, he's 20 points ahead...[Republican candidates] first thought it was a joke, now they're waking up and they're scared. And if he does become nominee for president of the GOP, I think Hillary Clinton shouldn't take him lightly."

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has emerged as the current front runner in the GOP nominee race. (Charles Krupa/Associated Press)

Ford busy campaigning for Harper

Canadians shouldn't take the Ford political brand lightly, either, he added, saying that even traditional Liberal and NDP voters in Toronto continue to vote for the Ford name.

"It's in our blood. Some people call me a political junkie but I enjoy politics, I enjoy serving the people," Ford said, who has been out door-knocking for Ontario PC leader Patrick Brown and federal Conservative candidate for Scarborough—Central Roxanne James.

For now, Ford has no immediate plans to launch his own bid for Tory leadership, but he wouldn't rule it out — Canadians may just have to wait until 2035 to see Ford's name on the ballot.

"My main focus is to support the Prime Minister any way I can, support the party and make sure he's going to be Prime Minister for the next 20 years," he said.

"[Stephen Harper] is a great leader and we're fortunate to have him," he added.

As for brother Rob, Ford said the former Toronto mayor continuing "to move forward" following major surgery on May 11 to remove a cancerous tumour in his abdomen.

"Rob's had a couple bumps in the road but he's a fighter," he said.

"We appreciate all the support and prayers people have given our family. That's what keeps us going."

Watch the full interview on CBC News Network at 10 a.m. EST Sunday, Aug. 30.